

New moon!!!!

12:44 PM Edit This 1 Comment »

On Friday I went and saw New moon with all my sisters- it was so cool we were all able to make and find the time to get together . We had a great time, next time we will have to do some strategic seating because of our different movie personalities. Kyle actually came with us so I was sitting by him and Melissa- he kept teasing me about the movie all during it and I threatened to make him go home- Lissa was actually very good during this movie and didn't incessantly ask me what was going on. Liss was sitting by Lee though, who was sitting by kim and apparently they were whispering very loudly during the quiet parts of the movie (according to Liss) and asking questions. I'm pretty sure Shelly was on her best behaviour so next time we'll just have to split Lee and Kim up haha.

So yesterday my mom offered to come pick me up and take me back to her house while she watched Wyatt for a bit because waking up at 4 am every day for the last week or so has really started taking it's toll on me and I was so tired. Kyle had just called me when I heard her pull up and honk so I hurried and got off the phone, grabbed the diaper bag , my coat and Coco in one hand and Wyatt in his carseat in the other- as I was coming down the steps I dont know if I missed the step or tripped over my own foot but I went flying. Wyat luckily was buckled in, so the carseat just got dropped and turned on it's side, I smacked the concrete with my knees and all the stuff in my diaper bag flew out onto the lawn. I was so tired and so humiliated I just started bawling while trying right side up Wyatt and gather up all my stuff. I wasn't able to nap at my mom's and it was pretty much one of the worst days I have had in a long time- My knees still hurt.

10:36 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Okay so the cuts on Wyatt's head turned out to be from him,  his skin I guess has gotten really dry with the change in weather and he was scratching at night. We got some really good lotion and it has seemed to work great so far. I am so relieved it wasn't something else causing them.

It's almost Thanksgiving- I am really excited because somehow Kyle and I both got Thanksgiving off which is a miracle and I'm so excited to spend the day with him and our families....on a bad note though, the reason I have it off is because I'm in training that week, but it means I have to work the day after Thanksgiving - it's a mandatory training so I can't VTO or give it away- I work 6-12 and this will be the first year I miss the sales. I am heartbroken. Oh well, it is for the best I'm sure since this is the first year I have a child to buy for so theres a good chance I would get way too out of control with the spending. *sigh*

Poor baby......

10:44 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
So yesterday I got Wyatt out of bed and I let him crawl around for a bit and play. When I put him in his highchair I noticed he had tiny little cuts all over his forehead! I am freaking out trying to figure out what happened to him, I feel like a horrible mom that my baby got hurt and I don't know how. The cuts were already scabbing over so I thought they had to have happened during the night, Kyle thinks Wyatt scratched himself but I don't think his nails were long enough to do that kind of damage and why would he do it so many times? The only other thing it could have been is our wicker basket- we got coco a new wicker dog bed and she doesnt like it as well as her old one so it's sitting by the door until we get rid of it and Wyatt likes to play around and on it, maybe one of the wicker parts poking out scratched him while he was crawling around it? Ugh it's so frustrating. Either way we put the dog bed out of his reach and trimmed his nails as short as we could safely, so hopefully my little guy won't be getting hurt anymore. In the mean time, I have been putting hats on him whenever we go out so people don't see the cuts......It's so stupid but I don't want anyone to think we hurt him or let him get hurt.

I'm back?

8:13 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
Okay so I am going to give this blogging business another try.

We just got rid our our cell phones and texting people was typically how I would vent when I was irritated, so be warned that with that option gone I will probably start using my blog to vent.

Here's what's going on in our lives right now.....

We recently bought a condo in West Jordan, We had actually given up on buying a house for the time being but the opportunity arose and we took the leap. We are extremely happy here, It is quite small but every inch now feels like home and it is just so nice to finally have a place to call ours.

Wyatt is 7 months old now, when we moved to our condo he started sleeping in his own crib finally, although I can only pinpoint a few nights where he has slept the entire night through. His pediatrician says he is about 3 months ahead in development, he is crawling all over the place and he pulls himself up into a stand every chance he gets, he will be walking in no time.

                                                    He has two little adorable bottom teeth.                                                                                                                      

He is just the cutest thing I have ever seen, my heart melts every time he smiles at me.

He likes to babble and says Da-Da a lot more than Ma-Ma. Wyatt loves his daddy, he lights up every time he sees Kyle, and Kyle does the same when he sees Wyatt. I love watching them together.

Kyle is still going to school, and working two part time jobs, both who schedule him more like he is full time, he works so hard and we don't get to spend a lot of time together. Next semester his classes are only available at night so we are hoping he can get one of his jobs to make him 3/4 or full time so he can quit the other, he might have to get a new job altogether but we'll see how it turns out.

I started working for Jetblue and I love it. I get to work from home, which is great since I practically never get ready anymore after having Wyatt . They are so flexible and I can mold my schedule to my life quite easily. I don't work as much as I should which makes me feel horrible since Kyle works so much, but I'm getting better at resisting getting off work. I do miss doing hair however I think, I don't miss the salon experience necessarily but I miss the challenge of it. I still do it of course for  family and friends. I think the combination of Jetblue and doing hair is going to be perfect, both I can do from home and both I enjoy, I feel so blessed.

Coco is handling the competition with Wyatt considerably well. She is actually a little protective of him but she still does not like him to touch her. He however adores CoCo and gets the biggest grin on his face every time she is near. She is still a yappy, sneaky, spoiled pooch, but we love her.