


7:55 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
Wyatt is turning 1 a week from today. He has gotten so big we can hardly believe it. He has started walking if you really put him up to it, but he still prefers to crawl everywhere. He babbles constantly (which sounds hilarious) and he is VERY vocal. He still loves getting into everything he can get his hands on and I pretty much follow him around all day cleaning up one mess while he is making another. He has finally taken an interest in his toys (though he still likes remotes, phones and other electronics best) and he will sit in his room and play with them for quite a while, which means I have finally started being able to get other things done. He almost always sleeps through the night with a few exceptions (mostly lately) and he naps pretty dang good. Wyatt LOVES blankets, especially silky ones. You just have to hand him a blanket and he get's so excited and pops his little thumb right in his mouth.

Here he is after he stole CoCo's blanket out of her basket. She was not very happy but he sure was.

And below he can be seen demonstrating how much he likes to not sit down in his highchair. The kid refuses to sit down and will either stand the whole time or he will sit like this.

He is so gosh dang handsome!


Nessa said...

What a cute blog you have!! The better to stalk you with! lol You have such an adorable family!! Thanks for finding me!