


7:55 PM Edit This 1 Comment »
Wyatt is turning 1 a week from today. He has gotten so big we can hardly believe it. He has started walking if you really put him up to it, but he still prefers to crawl everywhere. He babbles constantly (which sounds hilarious) and he is VERY vocal. He still loves getting into everything he can get his hands on and I pretty much follow him around all day cleaning up one mess while he is making another. He has finally taken an interest in his toys (though he still likes remotes, phones and other electronics best) and he will sit in his room and play with them for quite a while, which means I have finally started being able to get other things done. He almost always sleeps through the night with a few exceptions (mostly lately) and he naps pretty dang good. Wyatt LOVES blankets, especially silky ones. You just have to hand him a blanket and he get's so excited and pops his little thumb right in his mouth.

Here he is after he stole CoCo's blanket out of her basket. She was not very happy but he sure was.

And below he can be seen demonstrating how much he likes to not sit down in his highchair. The kid refuses to sit down and will either stand the whole time or he will sit like this.

He is so gosh dang handsome!


6:48 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Today we got a quote for new kitchen cabinets and also new bathroom vanities. The company we are going through was actually recommended to us by Kyle's brother Brodie's sister in law. So they are really nice and very happy to work with us so we can do this as cheaply as possible. We only plan on staying in the condo for about 3 years at which point I think we will be about to, if we have not already outgrown it *hint hint*  so we don't want to put a ton of money into it that we probably wouldn't recoup when we sell.

So today we went in and picked out the color of the cabinets and counter-tops, made any changes to the plans and got the final price quote. Honestly it's a bit more than we really wanted to spend but all in all it is a steal. I am one of those people that likes to buy lots of little things and it's hard for me to buy big things that you have to invest a lot in ( even though the little things add up to the amount the big thing costs- crazy I know) So this is a big step for us, I honestly believe that if we don't redo the kitchen we are going to have a heck of a time selling our condo because it is an eyesore. I am going to take before, during and after pictures so you can see the amazing transformation. I'm not kidding our cabinets are pretty much orange currently, with this kinda off white counter-top that is all scratched up and fake tile linoleum( it's hilarious how many people think it is actually tile and have to get down and touch it to be sure it isn't)

 Here is the counter-top we picked out. Granite was way too expensive and we wouldn't recoup the cost when we move so we went with a laminate that looks ridiculously like granite.

 And  here is Wyatt modeling the color of cabinets we picked
(she let me borrow a door and a swatch of counter-top so I can pick out floor tile)

We really have a HUGE job ahead of us and I am little daunted by the task. We have about 7 weeks until the cabinets will be here. At some point we have to rip out our kitchen cabinets, sand down and repaint the walls, rip out the linoleum, tile the floor, and replace the light fixture, all  before the cabinets can go in (same thing for the bathrooms- sanding, painting, tiling) So Pretty much for who knows how long we are going to be kitchen-less. I honestly don't know what we plan to do. But I am very excited and can't wait for this all to be finished!

Bok bok bok?

6:31 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
  Kyle and I read books together at night before we go to bed. I have a hard time listening when other people read because I am anal and Kyle loves to have me read to him so it works out really nicely with me reading and it's something we really enjoy doing together. We have read quite a lot of books so far, mostly Michael Crichton because he is one of Kyles favorite authors. When picking a new book to start Kyle suggested we read "It" by Stephen King, I protested that it was too scary but Kyle is set on reading it.

     Well.....we are like 1 and 1/2 chapters in and I was bawling while reading it last night. Then I couldn't fall asleep and had nightmares when I finally did. Wyatt woke up screaming last night which he doesn't do very often and I was so scared to get out of bed and go make him a bottle. I sprinted down the hall after working up the courage and flicked on the light- He didn't want the bottle at all so I was freaked out because I couldnt figure out what was wrong and my imagination ran away for a second with thoughts of something scary in his room upsetting him. I pushed away those thoughts and finally got him back down and put the bottle back in the fridge. Then I was too scared to turn out the kitchen light so I ran to the bedroom and flicked on our bathroom light, ran back to the kitchen flicked off the light and bolted down the hall as fast as I could to the bathroom. I waited a minute or two to work up the courage to turn out the bathroom light and then launched myself into bed.

I know how ridiculous this is. I am a grown woman and I am afraid of the dark. I just have such a  vivid imagination and I let it get the best of me a lot when it comes to being scared. I don't know what to do now, normally after I start something I have to finish it so I know what happens and can get some sort of closure....but with how little we have read in the book is that really necessary? I wonder if Kyle will insist we go on or not? Do I want to?